Regarding Covid-19 and Our Working from Home Policy. (Extended)
[日本語] 「新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う、弊社サービス・主催イベントへの対応について」
In order to help prevent the spread of novel coronavirus, we have decided to take the following measures.
1. We will be shifting all offline events to online.
We will be canceling all offline events until the end of October, 2022.
Instead, our community events will take place online including our event brands such as StartupNight by Potentialist and Venture Investment Summit.
2. All Potentialist employees will be working from home.
Employees at Potentialist, including our directors and advisors will be working remotely until the end of October, 2022.
To respect this measure, we will be asking our partners and clients to join meetings online, primarily on zoom. Depending on the severity of covid situation, we may extend this period.
This announcement is personally informed to those that will be affected, however, please feel free to contact us at for further inquiries.
With the healthcare, economic and social crisis happening at the same time, we all are facing difficult times. We appreciate your understanding and we will do our best to serve founders and investors in the venture community across the world.
June 15th 2020
Reon Tasman Hiruma
Chief Executive Officer,
Potentialist Global, K.K.